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Produkt zum Begriff IPv6:

  • IPv6 Security
    IPv6 Security

    IPv6 Security   Protection measures for the next Internet Protocol   As the world’s networks migrate to the IPv6 protocol, networking professionals need a clearer understanding of the security risks, threats, and challenges this transition presents. In IPv6 Security, two of the world’s leading Internet security practitioners review each potential security issue introduced by IPv6 networking and present today’s best solutions.   IPv6 Security offers guidance for avoiding security problems prior to widespread IPv6 deployment. The book covers every component of today’s networks, identifying specific security deficiencies that occur within IPv6 environments and demonstrating how to combat them.   The authors describe best practices for identifying and resolving weaknesses as you maintain a dual stack network. Then they describe the security mechanisms you need to implement as you migrate to an IPv6-only network. The authors survey the techniques hackers might use to try to breach your network, such as IPv6 network reconnaissance, address spoofing, traffic interception, denial of service, and tunnel injection.   The authors also turn to Cisco® products and protection mechanisms. You learn how to use Cisco IOS® and ASA firewalls and ACLs to selectively filter IPv6 traffic. You also learn about securing hosts with Cisco Security Agent 6.0 and about securing a network with IOS routers and switches. Multiple examples are explained for Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, and Solaris hosts. The authors offer detailed examples that are consistent with today’s best practices and easy to adapt to virtually any IPv6 environment.   Scott Hogg, CCIE® No. 5133, is Director of Advanced Technology Services at Global Technology Resources, Inc. (GTRI). He is responsible for setting the company’s technical direction and helping it create service offerings for emerging technologies such as IPv6. He is the Chair of the Rocky Mountain IPv6 Task Force.   Eric Vyncke, Cisco Distinguished System Engineer, consults on security issues throughout Europe. He has 20 years’ experience in security and teaches security seminars as a guest professor at universities throughout Belgium. He also participates in the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and has helped several organizations deploy IPv6 securely.   Understand why IPv6 is already a latent threat in your IPv4-only network Plan ahead to avoid IPv6 security problems before widespread deployment Identify known areas of weakness in IPv6 security and the current state of attack tools and hacker skills Understand each high-level approach to securing IPv6 and learn when to use each Protect service provider networks, perimeters, LANs, and host/server connections Harden IPv6 network devices against attack Utilize IPsec in IPv6 environments Secure mobile IPv6 networks Secure transition mechanisms in use during the migration from IPv4 to IPv6 Monitor IPv6 security Understand the security implications of the IPv6 protocol, including issues related to ICMPv6 and the IPv6 header structure Protect your network against large-scale threats by using perimeter filtering techniques and service provider—focused security practices Understand the vulnerabilities that exist on IPv6 access networks and learn solutions for mitigating each     This security book is part of the Cisco Press® Networking Technology Series. Security titles from Cisco Press help networking professionals secure critical data and resources, prevent and mitigate network attacks, and build end-to-end self-defending networks.   Category: Networking: Security Covers: IPv6 Security

    Preis: 28.88 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • IPv6 Fundamentals: A Straightforward Approach to Understanding IPv6
    IPv6 Fundamentals: A Straightforward Approach to Understanding IPv6

    Organizations are increasingly transitioning to IPv6, the next generation protocol for defining how devices of all kinds communicate over networks. Now fully updated, IPv6 Fundamentals offers a thorough, friendly, and easy-to-understand introduction to the knowledge and skills you need to deploy and operate IPv6 networks. Leading networking instructor Rick Graziani explains all the basics simply and clearly, step-by-step, providing all the details you’ll need to succeed. You’ll learn why IPv6 is necessary, how it was created, how it works, and how it has become the protocol of choice in environments ranging from cloud to mobile and IoT. Graziani thoroughly introduces IPv6 addressing, configuration options, and routing protocols, including EIGRP for IPv6, and OSPFv3 (traditional configuration and with address families). Building on this coverage, he then includes more in-depth information involving these protocols and processes. This edition contains a completely revamped discussion of deploying IPv6 in your network, including IPv6/IPv4 integration, dynamic address allocation, and understanding IPv6 from the perspective of the network and host. You’ll also find improved coverage of key topics such as Stateless Address Autoconfiguration (SLAAC), DHCPv6, and the advantages of the solicited node multicast address. Throughout, Graziani presents command syntax for Cisco IOS, Windows, Linux, and Mac OS, as well as many examples, diagrams, configuration tips, and updated links to white papers and official RFCs for even deeper understanding.Learn how IPv6 supports modern networks encompassing the cloud, mobile, IoT, and gaming devices Compare IPv6 with IPv4 to see what has changed and what hasn’t Understand and represent IPv6 addresses for unicast, multicast, and anycast environments Master all facets of dynamic IPv6 address allocation with SLAAC, stateless DHCPv6, and stateful DHCPv6 Understand all the features of deploying IPv6 addresses in the network including temporary addresses and the privacy extension Improve operations by leveraging major enhancements built into ICMPv6 and ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery Protocol Configure IPv6 addressing and Access Control Lists using a common topology Implement routing of IPv6 packets via static routing, EIGRP for IPv6, and OSPFv3 Walk step-by-step through deploying IPv6 in existing networks, and coexisting with or transitioning from IPv4

    Preis: 47.07 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • IPv6 for Enterprise Networks
    IPv6 for Enterprise Networks

    IPv6 for Enterprise Networks The practical guide to deploying IPv6 in campus, WAN/branch, data center, and virtualized environments   Shannon McFarland, CCIE® No. 5245 Muninder Sambi, CCIE No. 13915 Nikhil Sharma, CCIE No. 21273 Sanjay Hooda, CCIE No. 11737   IPv6 for Enterprise Networks brings together all the information you need to successfully deploy IPv6 in any campus, WAN/branch, data center, or virtualized environment. Four leading Cisco IPv6 experts present a practical approach to organizing and executing your large-scale IPv6 implementation. They show how IPv6 affects existing network designs, describe common IPv4/IPv6 coexistence mechanisms, guide you in planning, and present validated configuration examples for building labs, pilots, and production networks. The authors first review some of the drivers behind the acceleration of IPv6 deployment in the enterprise. Next, they introduce powerful new IPv6 services for routing, QoS, multicast, and management, comparing them with familiar IPv4 features and behavior. Finally, they translate IPv6 concepts into usable configurations. Up-to-date and practical, IPv6 for Enterprise Networks is an indispensable resource for every network engineer, architect, manager, and consultant who must evaluate, plan, migrate to, or manage IPv6 networks.   Shannon McFarland, CCIE No. 5245, is a Corporate Consulting Engineer for Cisco serving as a technical consultant for enterprise IPv6 deployment and data center design with a focus on application deployment and virtual desktop infrastructure. For more than 16 years, he has worked on large-scale enterprise campus, WAN/branch, and data center network design and optimization. For more than a decade, he has spoken at IPv6 events worldwide, including Cisco Live. Muninder Sambi, CCIE No. 13915, is a Product Line Manager for Cisco Catalyst 4500/4900 series platform, is a core member of the Cisco IPv6 development council, and a key participant in IETF’s IPv6 areas of focus. Nikhil Sharma, CCIE No. 21273, is a Technical Marketing Engineer at Cisco Systems where he is responsible for defining new features for both hardware and software for the Catalyst 4500 product line. Sanjay Hooda, CCIE No. 11737, a Technical Leader at Cisco, works with embedded systems, and helps to define new product architectures. His current areas of focus include high availability and messaging in large-scale distributed switching systems.   n    Identify how IPv6 affects enterprises n    Understand IPv6 services and the IPv6 features that make them possible n    Review the most common tranisition mechanisms including dual-stack (IPv4/IPv6) networks, IPv6 over IPv4 tunnels, and IPv6 over MPLS n    Create IPv6 network designs that reflect proven principles of modularity, hierarchy, and resiliency n    Select the best implementation options for your organization n    Build IPv6 lab environments n    Configure IPv6 step-by-step in campus, WAN/branch, and data center networks n    Integrate production-quality IPv6 services into IPv4 networks n    Implement virtualized IPv6 networks n    Deploy IPv6 for remote access n    Manage IPv6 networks efficiently and cost-effectively   This book is part of the Networking Technology Series from Cisco Press®, which offers networking professionals valuable information for constructing efficient networks, understanding new technologies, and building successful careers.  

    Preis: 40.65 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Netgear IPv6 and Multicast Routing License Upgrade
    Netgear IPv6 and Multicast Routing License Upgrade

    NETGEAR IPv6 and Multicast Routing License Upgrade - Lizenz - für NETGEAR GSM7352S

    Preis: 949.59 € | Versand*: 0.00 €

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    Xiaomi AC2350 Global Version Mi Alot Wireless Router 2183Mbps High Gain 7 Antennas 128Mb IPv6 MUMIMO DualBand Black

    Xiaomi AC2350 Global Version Mi Alot Wireless Router 2183Mbps High Gain 7 Antennas 128Mb IPv6 MUMIMO DualBand Black

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